We explain how to unsubscribe from Spotify

If you are one of those who Spotify price hike It has not done anything well, it is possible that you are thinking about unsubscribing. As you know, the platform has a free version and a paid version with several plans, which have just increased their cost to the disappointment of its users. We explain step by step how to show your disagreement saying goodbye to the premium plan of the service or even off the platform forever.

New pricing plans on Spotify

Spotify is the music streaming platform par excellence when talking about these types of solutions. It has been with us for years and has permeated enough in society for it to be the first reference when one thinks of subscribing to such a service.

And it is that its library is immense, its interface very comfortable to use and also its app appears in practically any system or device connected to the Internet for a price.

That has meant that until now many have opted to put aside their free option and have spent their premium subscription plan, which allows you to enjoy uninterrupted music (or podcasts) without ads and listen to the tracks you want offline, among other benefits. The price for this has been the same for a long time: 9,99 euros in its individual plan (the cheapest), something that will change (along with the rest of the plans) starting next month.

And it is that on July 24 the company announced a general price increase in all its Premium plans. This applies to a total of 20 countries, including, of course, Spain, and its increase ranges from 3 euro to XNUMX euros, depending on the subscription method.

Spotify Premium price hike

From the month of August of the 2023, everyone who has some kind of Premium account on Spotify will pay the following:

  • Individual plan: 10,99 euros (has gone up 1 €).
  • duo plan: 14,99 euros (has gone up 2 Euros).
  • Family plan: 17,99 euros (has gone up 3 Euros; is the one that experiences the greatest increase).
  • Student plans: 5,99 euros (has gone up 1 €).

If it is news that you have not fit in exactly well and you are thinking of unsubscribing (from the plan or from the entire service), today we will explain step by step how to do it.

How to cancel your Spotify Premium account

Spotify on a MacBook laptop

Those who wish to cancel their Spotify Premium account, they have it as easy as following the following instructions. These must be done from a PC, since the mobile app does not let you change your plan or cancel it to get the free one (only view your current subscription status):

  1. If you are in the app on your computer, tap on the tab of your name with the profile photo and select "Account" from the drop-down menu. This will take you to your settings or account profile in the Web navigator.
  2. Once in your account information via the web, in the left column, just under "General", you will see "Available plans". Click on it.
  3. Scroll down to the bottom of the page where you will see a green button that says "Cancel Premium".
  4. Click on it.
  5. A message will notify you of your last day to enjoy the service in paid mode (depends on your billing day) and will warn you about all the disadvantages of switching to the free plan (hearing ads every 15 minutes, skipping only 6 songs per hour … etc.).
  6. Tap on the black “Continue” button.
  7. Done, you have already canceled your premium account.

Likewise from the «General» tab, You can see in your tab which Premium plan and tap on a button that says "Cancel Premium" which will take you to point 5 of our guide.

How to delete a free account forever

If what you want is to completely cancel your account and delete everything from the map, this is what you have to do:

  1. First of all, make sure you have your canceled premium subscription plan following the steps above -it is imperative to follow.
  2. Once this is done, you must access the Assistance section from the Spotify website (this link).
  3. If you type “Cancel account” in the search engine, several options will appear, the last being “Close your account and delete your data”.
  4. In the section "Don't have a premium?", click -yes, again- on Close the account and delete your data.
  5. You will be taken to a new page asking if you are sure you want to close your account. Click on the green “Close account” button and follow the steps indicated.

This will completely close your free account and you will delete the data permanently in all Spotify applications and services.